Friday, November 03, 2006

Putting up your blog

Tuesday's and Wednesday's classes (November 7-8) will be devoted to putting up your own blog using Blogspot's Blogger.

* Click on the big orange B in the upper left hand corner and follow the instructions.
* The title of your blog should be your own full name. For instance,
* If however this name should be unavailable, you will add your birthdate or year of birth at the end of your name and notify me of the change, otherwise, I will assume that you did not put up your blog.
* You will also complete your profile, in English, adding a picture of yourself, a decent picture obviously.

If for any reason you needed help in the process, email me at

Your first blog entry will be your answers to the movie's follow-up questions.

Optionally, you can visit your classmates' blogs and leave comments. The more active you are on other blogs and on your own, the more points you will accumulate.

Have fun!

Follow-up questions

Here are the 3 follow-up questions you must answer about the Breakfast Club movie seen in class:

1. Why do you think Claire is falling for John?
2. John does an impression of life in his family. Describe it. Do you think that it's true?
3. How do you think the principal feels about John?

Your answers to the three questions should totalize at least 100 words.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

English 314

To my regular groups 314-40 and 314-41, you will have one last class to complete your sommative exams (reading and writing), and the viewing of Big in class will be postponed to next week.

To all my groups:
Tomorrow, Friday, October 27th at 12:50 pm, I will be in my classroom at lunchtime if you wish to drop by to finish writing an exam. The students who have to come in have been informed, however I will also be available to answer all questions that may arise!

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A last round!

At last, the semester is almost over! As promised, we will be watching a movie with all my groups. My regular groups (314-40 and 41) will be watching Big, and my bilingual groups (346-39, 40, 41 and 42) will be watching The Breakfast Club. I invite you to go check out the listing on IMDB if you want some information on those movies by simply clicking on the title. Gotta love the eighties!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Welcome to my blog!

I would like to welcome you, dearest students, to my blog. During the next few months, I invite you to come here as often as you like, to find out what you might have missed in class or simply to leave me a message.

You will be asked to put up your own blog, which I will happily visit and perhaps comment.

If you have any question, please be sure to write me at

May this be a great adventure!